Updated 2005-11-26
This page assumes a working knowledge of Erlang and basic knowledge of Yaws and .yaws scripts.
First write a .yaws script that returns an HTML form. The following Ehtml will do nicely:
{ehtml, {form , [{enctype,"multipart/form-data"} ,{action,"upload2.yaws"} ,{method,"post"}] , [{p,[],"Choose a file and click Upload."} ,{p,[],{input,[{type,"file"},{name,"file"}],[]}} ,{p,[],{input,[{type,"submit"},{value,"Upload"}],[]}} ]}}
Please note:
In the default configuration, Yaws will receive the uploaded file into a list and deliver it at once to the .yaws script. Dealing with large lists is very memory inefficient. Uploading a 4MB file can cause Yaws to consume >100MB of RAM.
The solution is to customize the configuration with the partial_post_size option. This option causes Yaws to deliver the incoming file to the out/1 function in pieces, one at a time. I am using partial_post_size=65536 for my application.
The example on the Yaws website shows how to save the upload to a file on the web server. One may wish to assemble the file in memory rather than writing it directly to disk. This requires efficient processing of the file parts as they are delievered by Yaws to the out/1 function.
It is imperative that the file data be stored in binaries. Thus, each list delivered to out/1 must be converted to a binary. Because of the way binaries are allocated in memory, it is inefficient to accumulate the data in one binary. It is better to accumulate the binaries in a list. After all parts of the upload have been received, use the Erlang built-in function iolist_to_binary/1 to convert the list of binaries into a single binary.
Processing of uploads is done with the yaws_api:parse_multipart_post/1 function. The .yaws script must call yaws_api:parse_multipart_post/1 from the first out/1 function. Uploads will intermittently fail if the script contains two <erl>out(Arg) -> … </erl> sections and upload processing is performed in the second one. The uploaded file will transfer from the web browser, but Yaws will not transfer the final chunk to the script, so the upload will freeze. The workaround is to make sure that upload processing is performed in the first out/1 function in your .yaws script.
The script below is based on upload.yaws from Yaws 1.57. The tricky parts are multipart/2 and process_part/3. You can downlaod it as upload2.yaws. It is provided under the same license as Yaws.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <title>Upload</title> </head> <body> <erl> %%% Michael Leonhard (http://tamale.net/) %%% Based on upload.yaws from YAWS 1.57 by Claes Wikstrom -record(upload, % represents state for a partially processed upload {filename % name of the file ,last % indicates that the last part is being processed ,rlist % reversed order list of binaries comprising file data ,data % binary of file data }). %%% Outputs a form, with any feedback from a previous request %%% returns Ehtml show_form(A, Feedback) -> {ehtml, [ {form ,[{enctype,"multipart/form-data"},{action,"upload2.yaws"},{method,"post"}] , [{p,[],"Choose a file and click Upload."} ,{p,[],{input,[{type,"file"},{name,"file"}],[]}} ,{p,[],{input,[{type,"submit"},{value,"Upload"}],[]}} ] } ,{p,[],Feedback} ]}. %%% Process POST data from client, state=#upload %%% returns Ehtml | {get_more, Continuation, NewState} handle_post(A) when is_record(A#arg.state,upload) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:handle_post/2 State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(A#arg.state)]), multipart(A, A#arg.state); handle_post(A) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:handle_post/2 creating state~n"), State = #upload{}, multipart(A, State). %%% Processes result of upload %%% returns Ehtml result_ehtml(A, {error,Reason}) when is_list(Reason) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:result_ehtml/3 error Reason=~s~n", [Reason]), show_form(A, Reason); result_ehtml(A, {upload,U}) when is_record(U,upload) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:result_ehtml/3 upload U=~s~n", [upload_to_string(U)]), ResultEhtml = [{hr,[],[]} ,{p,[],"Upload Complete!"} ,{pre,[],f ("filename=~s data=<<~w bytes>></pre>~n" ,[U#upload.filename, size(U#upload.data)])}], show_form(A, ResultEhtml). %%% Process part of a multi-part form post %%% returns Ehtml | {get_more, Continuation, NewState} multipart(A, State) when is_record(State,upload) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), case yaws_api:parse_multipart_post(A) of {cont, Cont, Part} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 cont~n"), case process_part(A, Part, State) of {done, Result} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 done~n"), result_ehtml(A, Result); {cont, NewState} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 get_more NewState=~s~n", [upload_to_string(NewState)]), {get_more, Cont, NewState} end; {result, Part} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 result~n"), case process_part(A, Part, State#upload{last=true}) of {done, Result} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 done~n"), result_ehtml(A, Result); {cont, _} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:multipart/3 error~n"), result_ehtml(A, {error, "Error During Upload"}) end; [] -> result_ehtml(A, {error,"You must select a file to upload."}) end. %% Converts path into a safe htmlized filename, with directories removed %% returns non-empty String sanitize_filename(Input) -> FilePath = case Input of List when is_list(List) -> List; _ -> "unnamed" end, StripWindowsDirsFun = fun(L) -> lists:last(string:tokens(L,"\\")) end, StripUnixDirsFun = fun(L) -> lists:last(string:tokens(L,"/")) end, EmptyToUnnamedFun = fun(L) -> case L of [] -> "unnamed"; _-> L end end, yaws_api:htmlize( EmptyToUnnamedFun( StripUnixDirsFun( StripWindowsDirsFun(FilePath)))). %% Returns string representation of the upload record, suitable for printing to console %% returns String upload_to_string(Upload) when is_record(Upload,upload) -> FileNameString = f("filename=~s",[Upload#upload.filename]), RlistString = case Upload#upload.rlist of undefined -> " rlist=undefined"; List when is_list(List) -> f(" rlist=~p bytes in ~p chunks",[iolist_size(List), length(List)]) end, DataString = case Upload#upload.data of undefined -> " data=undefined"; Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> f(" data=<<~p bytes>>",[size(Bin)]) end, lists:flatten([FileNameString, RlistString, DataString]). %%% Processes a part of the multipart post %%% returns {done,{upload,#upload}} | {done,{error,Reason}} | {cont,#upload} %%% %%% Process data_part and data identically process_part(A, [{part_body, Data}|Tail], State) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4 part_body~n"), process_part(A, [{body, Data}|Tail], State); %%% Final part list has been processed process_part(_A, [], State) when State#upload.last==true,State#upload.filename /= undefined -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4a State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), Data = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(State#upload.rlist)), {done, {upload, State#upload{rlist=undefined,data=Data}}}; %%% Final part list has been processed but filename was not processed process_part(A, [], State) when State#upload.last==true -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4b State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), {done, {error, "Error: did not receive header with upload."}}; %%% Part list was processed process_part(_A, [], State) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4c State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), {cont, State}; %%% Process header process_part(A, [{head, {"file", Opts}}|Tail], State ) -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4d State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), case lists:keysearch(filename, 1, Opts) of {value, {_, UncheckedFileName}} -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4d UncheckedFileName=~s~n", [UncheckedFileName]), FileName = sanitize_filename(UncheckedFileName), io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4d FileName=~s~n", [FileName]), process_part(A, Tail, State#upload{filename=FileName,rlist=[]}); false -> {done, {error, "Error: filename not found in header."}} end; %%% Process data process_part(A, [{body, Data}|Tail], State) when State#upload.filename /= undefined -> io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4e State=~s~n", [upload_to_string(State)]), NewRList = [list_to_binary(Data) | State#upload.rlist], io:fwrite("upload.yaws:process_part/4e data part=<<~w bytes>>~n", [length(Data)]), process_part(A, Tail, State#upload{rlist=NewRList}). %%% Called by YAWS to generate content for the page %%% returns Ehtml | {get_more,Continuation,State} out(A) -> case (A#arg.req)#http_request.method of 'GET' -> show_form(A, ""); 'POST' -> handle_post(A) end. </erl> </body> </html>
Copyright © 1999-2012 Michael Leonhard